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The Palace of Odysseus on Ithaca


The publication of my book ‘Walking in the Footsteps of Odysseus: A Practical Guide to the Homeric Paths of Ithaca’ has slipped into 2022 – but I assure you it is imminent. Meanwhile I have published a record of the Excavation at Agios Athanasios / School of Homer by the archaeologist Thanasis Papadopoulos. This gives, in brief, the archaeological evidence for the Palace of Odysseus at this site on Ithaca. It can be obtained in either eBook of paperback from:

It is also printed and distributed in Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, and even Japan, India and Mexico – but the place where it is needed is in Greece! I believe the eBook can be obtained easily enough in Greece through any of the above links, but I await feedback on deliveries of the paperback. Fingers crossed!



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